All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace

The new Adam Curtis documentary has started to appear.  Here’s the first part of “All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace”.  It’s a rich, challenging mix of ideas, connecting Ayn Rand to cybernetics to national internet policy.

Curtis is one of the greatest, most interesting documentarians alive.

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2 Responses to All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace

  1. Reed Hedges says:


    The group pong experiment is interesting, I don’t think I’d heard of it before. Carpenter claims that the overall order of the game was emergent. But not exactly — the paddle control within the game was emergent, the overall order of the game– rules, goals, etc. — was actually imposed and the crowd completely conformed to it. But it does mean that useful control or order can emerge in this context, so maybe others if we figure out the right context, right?

  2. All I see is a message saying BBC Worldwide has blocked the content on copyright grounds. Boo.

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